Products Put on Hold Because of Smart Watch Purchase

We asked current smart watch owners if there are any purchases they had put on hold or cancelled because they had bought a smart watch. While half of this group say they haven’t put any products on hold, 18% say they’re putting off buying a health and fitness monitor, and 10% a traditional watch.

Products Put on Hold Because of Smart Watch Purchase

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Use of IoT Technology

We asked respondents about their company’s plans for using Internet of Things (IoT) technology, and 21% report their company is already using it or plans to do so over the next six months. Another one-in-four (26%) report their company is Considering Using IoT in the future.

Usage of IoT Technology

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Use of Mobile Payment Apps

We asked respondents unlikely to use mobile payment apps what might encourage them to use the technology. Once again security is forefront. The majority (61%) cite Security Against Fraud that is Better than Traditional Payment Cards as being most important. Discounted Offers on Products and Services is a distant second, followed by Avoid Queuing at the Cash Register.

Factors That Will Encourage Wider Use of Mobile Payment Apps

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Most Important Reasons to Pay for Online Video Content

We asked alternative TV subscribers why they pay for online video content from streaming providers, and nearly half say Access to Movies. The Ability to Watch Entire Seasons of Specific TV Shows is also a key factor for this group. Other top reasons for paying include Original Content, Price and Convenience/Ease.

Most Important Reasons to Pay for Online Video Content

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In-Car Wireless Purchase Preference

With a growing range of companies competing in the connected car market, we asked interested respondents which type of company they would most prefer to use for connectivity solutions. 41% chose Tech Company and 35% Wireless Service Provider. Just 18% selected Automobile Manufacturer.

In-Car Wireless Purchase Preference

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