- ChangeWave's leading indicator group provides a differentiated, real-time view of consumer and corporate spending trends at the company, sector, and macro levels – well in advance of other available sources.
- ChangeWave conducts its surveys monthly and/or quarterly with large sample sizes and 16 years of benchmarked results.
- High quality, consistent, accredited pool of 25,000 panelists managed by ChangeWave with extensive profiles (no 3rd party panel renting).
- ChangeWave data repeatedly tested against other economic measures, and has consistently proven highly accurate.
- Our long history of survey data is well-recognized by clients as an early detection system that accurately forecasts momentum shifts.
- Survey data fills gaps in clients' research portfolios and offers a much-needed peek-around-the-corner.
- ChangeWave survey findings cited in The Wall Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily, CNN/Fortune, CNET, MSN, ComputerWorld, CNBC, and a wide variety of technology and international publications.